
Watch a selection of videos from the Corali Performance Archive.
Each film is less than 8 minutes long, so enjoy a quick burst of Corali magic!

Dancing to Art, 2019

Our award-winning film made with Tate


Oye Como Va, 2021

A short film about making a duet, part of our Excellent Together project with Thick & Tight


What's tea? An old pond to fish in, 2020

The second of our Park Wanderings film trilogy made remotely over lockdown in collaboration with Impermanence


Hats Off to Corali, 2019

A short film by Corali's Explore class to celebrate our 30th anniversary


Demonstrate! at 10 years, 2021

A film celebrating our 10-year partnership project with Brixton House, for children aged 8-14 in Lambeth with autism, learning disabilities and complex physical needs


In March 2023 we'll be launching a new digital archive where you can find out more about the history of Corali's work and creative processes. The archive is being created thanks to a Digital Archive commission from Siobhan Davies Studios.